Science and Engineering- after leaving the Big Bang Fair with so many ideas, science and engineering are defiantly IN at the moment.
Women- after International Women’s day reminded us how FAB women are they had to make it in my IN list!
Friends coming home- a good friend of mine has come back from being away and it’s so nice to see her, the girls all hit the town and it was such a fantastic night!
Nails- loving playing around with my nails, and now the screw in kid. This look was achieved with ring binder strengtheners.

Sleep- I think I must be fighting something off, last night I got twelve hours sleep! Can’t remember the last time I got that much sleep!
Writing- it’s so nice to have time to write and be creative, I love blogging more and over the last few weeks have started to get creative again writing plays, prayers and stories.
Pancakes- after Pancake Day, were now into lent. I love lent, I find it helps to focus me, not just on my faith but on my life, so this year I’m trying to be balanced and healthy.
The gym- having not been to the gym for over 2 weeks I am managing surprisingly well, mind you that hasn’t meant that I haven’t exercised, just not in a gym.
Emails- having reached 500 unread emails on my phone I spent a few hours Saturday night clearing out my inbox on my blackberry. It took a while but it’s great to be up to date. I must add that I read and deal with them on my computer but it doesn’t always re-sync that to my phone. I didn’t have 500 emails that I hadn’t dealt with.
Breaking my laptop- since cracking my laptop screen just over a year ago I get very paranoid about my laptop, also the fashion conscious side of me is fed up of carrying around flight cases, so I got myself a knomo laptop case, they had a few of their bags reduced and I jumped at the chance. They are gorgeous, I love mine.

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