Flowers and Bears- the Gym that I worked at sent me some lovely flowers and a Bear to say thank you, they are so lovely and as my sister has some flowers as well our house smells wonderfully fragrant.

Lemon Water- I love hot water and lemon at the moment, nice, simple, easy to make and tastes good. Thumbs up all round.
Anti-Bacterial hand gel- weird I know, but I was given one by SSl Scotland when I visited them this week and it smells so nice and I feel all germ free.

Swimming- I’ve swam competitively since I was in primary school, but the last few years it’s been really on and off, but now with more free time I’m hoping to get back into it. After yesterdays training session I’m really looking forward to being able to train more often.
Train journeys- I went up to Glasgow last week and I really enjoyed spending a day on the trains, I love people watching and it was so relaxing to be able to read and relax.
Cold Offices- The heating has finally been fixed and it’s all toasty again.
Winter weather- it seems to be getting brighter and maybe a little warmer (don’t want to jinx it), the mornings are defiantly lighter earlier, and it’s a big plus for all us morning runners.
Fat free foods- I watched the truth about fat free foods and it really put we off processed foot, especially aspartame, out with the diet coke, in with the water!
My dislike of fish- I love pets, but eating them, well that’s another matter. I love fish shop fish and prawn cocktails, but it’s really frustrating, because I wish I like fish. The fact that it is full of omega 3 and so good for you, I have decided that it’s time to expand my seas, sorry horizons, and just eat it! So I am trying to eat at least two portions of fish a week.
Have a good week,
R x
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