I have been so busy with talks, a meal at James Caans and a trip to Downing Street to name a few (selection of pictures to follow).
A Celebration of Womens Contribution to Britain
Mr Brown welcomes all the Ladies
Sarah Brown talks Duffy 

I have also been talking a lot as well as judging at the Big Bang Fair (very fun and exciting) where I made new friends and caught up with old. I was very privileged to sit on a fantastic panel of judges, catching up with some old friends (Kate Bellingham) and made new friends (Jim Al Khalili and Liz Bonnin). Incidentally Kate and Liz are on the Museum of Life programme on the BBC- it is FANTASTIC, so well shot and Liz and Kate are as fantastic as ever.
Kate Bellingham
Liz Bonnin
Jim Al Khalili
I also got to meet the rest of the ‘Bang Goes the Theory’ crew, very talented people. The Big Bang was hold in Manchester and was a fantastic 3days and they let me talk at the sponsors dinner, a real privilege.
The Bang Goes the Theory Team
Young Engineers will always have a special place in my heart, without them StairSteady would not have taken off as it did and for that I will be forever grateful.
So as well as these amazing opportunities I have been working harder than ever, we have been spending a lot of time trying to get the StairSteady to be the perfect product. We have a possible new powder coaters ‘Apple Aluminium’ a local company in Sheffield, they have been fantastic and I had a meeting with Adam who runs it and its seems like it will be a fantastic working relationship (there turnaround time seems to be unbelievable) but only time will tell.
We have been looking into new packaging, TNT seem to like to play Basketball with our StairSteadys and so we have been trying a lot of new packaging and it seems promising.
I will try and blog more, next week we are at Naidex, so I will try and get some picture, video and possibly blog (depending on time). However, please follow my tweets @RuthAmos
More to come sooner.....
Keep Moving.......
Ruth x

I have also been talking a lot as well as judging at the Big Bang Fair (very fun and exciting) where I made new friends and caught up with old. I was very privileged to sit on a fantastic panel of judges, catching up with some old friends (Kate Bellingham) and made new friends (Jim Al Khalili and Liz Bonnin). Incidentally Kate and Liz are on the Museum of Life programme on the BBC- it is FANTASTIC, so well shot and Liz and Kate are as fantastic as ever.

I also got to meet the rest of the ‘Bang Goes the Theory’ crew, very talented people. The Big Bang was hold in Manchester and was a fantastic 3days and they let me talk at the sponsors dinner, a real privilege.

Young Engineers will always have a special place in my heart, without them StairSteady would not have taken off as it did and for that I will be forever grateful.
So as well as these amazing opportunities I have been working harder than ever, we have been spending a lot of time trying to get the StairSteady to be the perfect product. We have a possible new powder coaters ‘Apple Aluminium’ a local company in Sheffield, they have been fantastic and I had a meeting with Adam who runs it and its seems like it will be a fantastic working relationship (there turnaround time seems to be unbelievable) but only time will tell.
We have been looking into new packaging, TNT seem to like to play Basketball with our StairSteadys and so we have been trying a lot of new packaging and it seems promising.
I will try and blog more, next week we are at Naidex, so I will try and get some picture, video and possibly blog (depending on time). However, please follow my tweets @RuthAmos
More to come sooner.....
Keep Moving.......
Ruth x
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