Saturday, 24 April 2010

Naidex 2010- Ruth Diary

Day 1- Monday- set up
Today starts early with a trip to TNT to send off this week’s StairSteadys, then on to Birmingham, the car piled high with the stand. We arrive to a mass on half built stands and tools and machinery everywhere. After a sandwich the lads get to building the stand.

Video- before we start

Picture- making a start
Picture- starting to take shape
Picture- and were done
Video- how big the show is!

We leave at 6.30 ready for some food. I’m almost asleep into my rice.
Its a long day and I’m asleep by 8.30 as its going to be a long week!
Day 2- Tuesday
The day begins at 6.15 with a shower and a cup of coffee for mum breakfast at 7.00
Picture- mum and Phil enjoy breakfast
Picture- my Wheatabix
.... and were all ready to meet Matt at 8.30. We arrive at the show at 8.45 and the finishing touches are made (leaflets are put out, caffeine is pumped into the body) and at 10.00am the show opens and the people pour in (literally). We have a busy day demonstrating and handing out leaflets.
Huntleigh’s demonstrations break up the day nicely and its fascinating seeing their bariatric equipment. Putnam’s vibrating pillows are selling like hot cakes and the contacts we are getting are fantastic. The guys next door let me stand on there AMAZING gel when me feet hurts...
... and cosy feet are doing a roaring trade.
People have started heading home and the show is starting to get quiet.
The show ends and the quiet StairSteady team decide to give the post show drinks a miss as we are all on our last legs.
A debate about where to eat is taking place, we have ended up just driving around looking for food.....we have found an Ikea! Meatballs it is. (I know not the most normal thing to have, but very yummy)
After getting very lost trying to find out way out, we decide to join the coach trips in the bar... one drink later and were all ready for bed!
I’ve done well, managed to stay up an extra 30min J night all.
Day3- Wednesday
It’s a frantic rush this morning as the hotels electricity runs out. So they guys beat us to the NEC. (Dad bringing my supply of frozen juice- I’m mostly drinking liquids because of having my wisdom tooth out so it was a careful plan of who was bringing me up my homemade juice so it stayed fresh- it seemed a good idea at the time)Today we have got so much help on the stand! Mum, Dad, Peter, Phil, Matt and Reg are all there to help me. We have our new black StairSteady Shirts and they all look very smart.
It’s busy again and I leave the team in the afternoon for a meeting with Mike Lord (Minivator). Mike spends a few hours with me looking at how we are going to be moving forward. It’s a very thoughtful meeting, but hopefully the outcomes will help StairSteady go from strength to strength.

After another long day Mum, Reg and Phil head back to Sheffield and Matt, Dad, Peter and me all hit the Chinese (I know my second Chinese in a week)
By now we are running low on leaflets so in true StairSteady style I spend a couple of hours printing off and folding a couple of hundred leaflets.
Day 4- Thursday
Last day and the guys all look very smart in there suits. The show is not quite so busy today and Russ (Matt’s Dad) joins us at lunch before taking Matt home to do some revision. Today we get to visit some of the other exhibitor’s stands; I am always amazed with how many brilliant ideas are out there!
Mike joins us for a bit in the afternoon and quizzes the OTs on how we can get the StairSteady into more council. Minivator even let me have a go on one of there Stair Lifts!
The day ends at 1600, but the work is only just beginning as after a quick change its time to take down the stand.
I learn how to use the power tools and Dad, Peter and me get the stand down in record time.
Were on our way home by 1930
I arrive home and collapse onto the sofa while Phil makes me a cup of tea, my Mum brings me my tea (they look after me well) and I can barely keep my eyes open.
Day 5-Friday- unpacking and sorting out
Friday is usually spent unpacking the stand and storing it, sorting out leaflets and lists and working out where ‘this thing’ used to live.
Suitcases fill the house and someone always manages to fall over a bit of a StairSteady. It chaotic, but it’s a team effort and that’s what I love. The StairSteady team all pulling together and working hard.
Thanks Team
Ruth x

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