Monday, 17 December 2012

Christmas Preparations

10). Review Christmas budget, by doing this a long way in advance it allows you to set limits for presents, food and drinks. Make a list now of everything that needs doing and keep the list somewhere you know where it is… this saves the hunt the list later! Being able to cross things off the list once you have done them makes you feel you are accomplishing something even if you are adding more things than you are subtracting.

(9). Finish making homemade gifts – all home made gifts that don’t perish should be made as far in advance as you can. Food gifts like jams and chutneys will keep for 6 months at least. For gifts such as sweets and biscuits these are best made 2 days before Christmas and kept in a cold place.

(8). Update Christmas card list – dig out your Christmas card list and add any news names for this year to it. Make sure you have all the addresses you need and check last dates for postage to the UK and other countries if necessary.

(7). Make Christmas family and children’s cards – if you have children get them involved in this part of your preparations. Make sure you stick to any posting deadlines. If you hate writing lots of card in one go, keep your address book and cards in a bag by the side of the sofa so you can get a few written at a time over the next few weeks.

(6). Finish gift tags and wrapping paper – if you’re making your own tags and papers do this now, again it is something children can be involved with. If you’re not making them make sure you buy enough in now with spares for surprise last minute gifts.

(5). Christmas present list and shopping – make a list of everyone you buy for and add what gifts you intend to buy them to the list then you can ensure you stay within the budget you set yourself. Make a list also of what food you are going to buy, don’t forget to include nibbles and drinks if you are expecting people to call by. Make a list of who is coming for the day or staying over during the holidays, including details like vegetarian meals you might need to make. Also decide what you’re going to cook. Work from your Christmas dinner outwards because other meals can be lighter. If there is anything from your meal planner that can be made in advance, put a date by this of when you’re going to make and freeze it.

(4). Christmas Decorations – Get out all your Christmas decorations and lights and check they are working. Let the kids decorate your Christmas tree as they’ll be the ones nagging you for it! They can also help make some new decorations if you want from salt dough or from shaped biscuits.

If you order your meat, do this now. For an online food shop, get your order in now. You can update it over the next few weeks, but delivery slots will get booked up early

(3) Buy holiday drinks alcoholic and soft. Start posting your cards now. Start making some freezer meals now for easy meals and lunches for days when you don’t have the time to prepare anything. Make sure you label them clearly and date them.

(2) Buy treats and the Christmas meal items that won’t go off. Wrap presents, you could maybe plan it for a time when everyone will be out. Wrapping takes longer than you think and you don’t want to leave it until Christmas Eve.

(1). Do laundry so it’s not a chore over Christmas. Two days before, make soups and sauces that will keep in the fridge. Don’t leave your big food shop until Christmas Eve or your meal might be ruined by a key ingredient being out of stock. Give yourself time to find it elsewhere.

Christmas Eve – Pick up any last minute forgotten items. Deliver any close by presents you have left. Prepare all vegetables for tomorrow’s lunch and keep them in cold water to keep them fresh. Make any cold desserts. Set the table. Make sure you have a guide for when everything needs to be cooked tomorrow and stick this to somewhere easily seen.

Don’t forget to put out a carrot and water for Rudolf and a Mince pie and sherry for Santa!

Remember to give yourself breaks along the road to Christmas. If you get everything done early, you could, for instance, book a family night in with duvets and a good film. Who knows, it might calm down the children too!

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