As winter is approaching are you feeling down in the dumps, wondering what you can do with yourself as the nights become longer? Why not consider joining your local W.I.? They offer friendship, laughter, a chance to be creative if you wish and a great way to broaden your mind. Our local W.I. has had a series of very interesting speakers, a dancing demonstration which was great fun to join in, the opportunity to try curling (no ice required!), cycling, walking, food tasting competitions and much more. You can take part in as much or as little as you wish and mix with ladies of all ages. Trips to the theatre etc are a real bonus.
If all this sounds as if it might appeal to you why not find out more about your local groups, I’m sure there will be one to suit you.
If all this sounds as if it might appeal to you why not find out more about your local groups, I’m sure there will be one to suit you. General information on the W.I Find your local W.I.
Or contact the W.I. at: NFWI 104 New Kings Road,
SW6 4LY T: 020 7371 9300 Find your local W.I.
Or contact the W.I. at: NFWI 104 New Kings Road,
SW6 4LY T: 020 7371 9300
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