Friends- I am so lucky to have so many supportive friends. Thanks :)
Friends- I am so lucky to have so many supportive friends. Thanks :)
Start Up Saturday- I am very excited to be starting to lead a ‘start up Saturday’ workshop at Staples on the 21st may. It’s a 12 week course that will help and guide someone to start a business. The course is written by the very talented and knowledgeable Emma Jones who is heavily involved with ‘Start up Britain’. I can’t wait to see other people take the first step in business.

Ireland- its coming very close to people in this lovely country being able to buy The Stairsteady and I can’t wait! I am so excited, watch this space.
Blogging- ok that’s a lie really, it’s not ‘out’ I have just been really busy, I am hoping this will be the start of more regular posting. I have some ideas for new posts and vlogging but it all relies on time.
Being able to walk- I did the Sheffield Half Marathon on Sunday and my feet are not impressed with me. I however am very pleased that I managed to complete it in 13.1miles in 1hour 51minutes.
The weather- it seems that we have had our summer; I’m finding it very hard to dress in a morning with the ever changing weather. Hopefully it’s not the last of the sun this year.

Have a good week,
Ruth x
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