Tuesday, 31 May 2011

First Vlog

I hope everyone has had a restful bank holiday, we had my little cousin over to stay and had a lovely Sunday at my auntys. on the Monday we started on the Demo for a Daily Living Centre in Wiltshire. Me and Phil were very proud of our handy work (thank you Andy for giving us a guide on how to make it).
So i have been carrying around my flip camera and trying to record bits and bobs, im hoping to make this more of a habit. also Phil has got a lovely sparkly camera so im hoping for some better quality and more interesting pictures.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Independent Review?

Over the last few months I have noticed an increase in people selling me marketing in a rather bizarre (and what I feel as unethical) way. It started off by being offered a place to go talk to top level, government decision makers. This was an event aimed to make healthcare better and more cost effective for the tax payer. That sounded a really exciting opportunity; however we and many of the fantastic products out there that make everyday life simpler would not be joining them, because the cost of this was just too much. I was shocked that a chance to show and effect local government spending was being auctioned off to the highest bidder, meaning that smaller companies that could make a valuable and cost effective pitch were pushed away. This meant that the end user would not necessarily be offered my product because we could not fork out thousands of pound on a one day event. There was no assessment of the product (apart from careful flattery by the sales team).

The next incident that spurred me on the write this post was a phone call I got from a company saying that they were writing an independent review of a show that we had recently attended. Our stand had been put forward as one of the top 20 best stands and for a small fee we could be included and have our logo and contact details. I was shocked; I asked the women if we didn’t pay what would happen. She was silent. ‘An independent review’ I told her ‘was not independent if we were essentially paying for a spot in the top 20 list’. On moral grounds I declined her offer.
I understand that there is marketing and product placement and that in the world of marketing companies pay for exposure, however in these instances companies paying for an independent review, or to help governments offer tax payers the best products is not paying for coverage, it’s paying to influence the outcome. The end user does not gain, they do not get an independent view on a product, and we as tax payers do not get the best products and services, only the ones where the companies have paid to get in front of the right people.

A small rant for a Tuesday morning and maybe it’s the fact that I am naive and have too a strict moral code, but to me that doesn’t sound reasonable for the end user, that would use that information to buy a product or who wouldn’t get the product they needed because it wasn’t on the list...

Rant Over,
Ruth x

Monday, 16 May 2011

In and Out

Friends- I am so lucky to have so many supportive friends. Thanks :)

Start Up Saturday- I am very excited to be starting to lead a ‘start up Saturday’ workshop at Staples on the 21st may. It’s a 12 week course that will help and guide someone to start a business. The course is written by the very talented and knowledgeable Emma Jones who is heavily involved with ‘Start up Britain’. I can’t wait to see other people take the first step in business.
The Tudors- I know many people discovered this TV series a while ago, but my sister got me into it and I LOVE it. I’m fascinated with history and having read ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’ this time period is intriguing, I would really recommend it.

Ireland- its coming very close to people in this lovely country being able to buy The Stairsteady and I can’t wait! I am so excited, watch this space.

Blogging- ok that’s a lie really, it’s not ‘out’ I have just been really busy, I am hoping this will be the start of more regular posting. I have some ideas for new posts and vlogging but it all relies on time.
Being able to walk- I did the Sheffield Half Marathon on Sunday and my feet are not impressed with me. I however am very pleased that I managed to complete it in 13.1miles in 1hour 51minutes.
The weather- it seems that we have had our summer; I’m finding it very hard to dress in a morning with the ever changing weather. Hopefully it’s not the last of the sun this year.

Have a good week,
Ruth x

Rachaels Comment: A different perspective

I recently have had to use a wheelchair because of my M.E. and it has brought with it a whole different outlook on everyday things. There are so many things that this experience has brought that I had never even thought about. I have used crutches on a long term basis so I thought I already understood many of the accessibility issues that come with day to day life but how wrong was I!!
One of the main things I have noticed is how much of my day to day life is dictated by how other people provide access to buildings. So many places have car parks with only one or two dropped curbs and those all seem to be positioned at the entrance where all the cars are driving in and out not near the place that they are serving. Supermarkets have always put everything well above my head height (I‘m only 5 foot 1!) but now anything above the first three shelves and I need to get help. The height of door handles and post boxes are also so variable. I have found that I now have to pick shops and hairdressers etc not on their services or stock but on whether I can actually get into them. Looking for a day trip or holiday also takes on a whole new focus; only places with suitable paths, lifts, facilities are doable. The last time we went out for a walk and a picnic the table was at shoulder height, the list is endless!

It’s not only out of the house that there are new challenges I had strange shaped biscuits the other day as I couldn’t see far enough back onto the work surface to see if there was dough under my cutter, my beautiful circles turned out more like I’d bitten each and every one of them.. I’d only tested one or two! Sinks are also not just the thing of purpose they once were, now they are something to be battled with I have lost count of the times I have only been able to reach one tap or I’ve not been able to retrieve what I’d dropped into the bowl, or worse still been unable to switch the tap off again so emerged covered in spray from trying! My cooker also no longer has four gas rings but two as only the front two are reachable now.. Cooking for a family is interesting with only two pans!

One of the really unexpected things that I found was that my tastes SHOULD have completely changed the minute I got in a wheelchair... If Supermarkets are to be believed since I can only reach the first three shelves I’m no longer able to enjoy spicy curry, Thai, or chilli that’s on at least shelf four, instead I must love Korma, casseroles or sweet and sour instead! Dark Chocolate is out only white or milk is in reach; mild cheddar and double Gloucester are ok but no Haloumi, goat’s cheese or brie!
It’s not just supermarkets either, no matter how much I trawl the internet looking for an attractive solution to getting soaking in the rain there really is nothing out there unless I want a poncho, now surely just because someone is in a wheelchair they don’t lose all sense of fashion? Holidays are the same if I look for accessible holidays everyone seems to make assumptions that I would like a nice quiet cottage somewhere, what about all those wheelchair users out there that want an active, exciting break?

Although this sounds like me letting off lots of steam and frustration what I really wanted to do was just to get people to think about how easy it is to take for granted that you can just choose what you do and when. Please please don’t assume that just because someone is in a wheelchair that they have particular tastes and desires. Everyone is different whether they are in a wheelchair or able bodied, please try to see beyond the metal to the person sat in the chair. Maybe you could take some time to look around you and see if you too can see things from another perspective?
Keep steady,