* Make a Menu for the Week – make a shopping list with the ingredients you will need for your menu. This will reduce waste and stop you buying items that will go off before you will eat them.
* Buy Own Brand – Supermarkets own brand goods are much cheaper than more well known brands. Buy it for two weeks and if you don’t notice the difference then keep it!
* Try a Local Market – If you buy in season vegetables and fruit from a market they are usually much better priced than the big stores that bring their produce many miles.
* Reduce Energy Costs – Shop around for energy providers, the internet or an independent magazine such as Which? (http://www.which.co.uk/) Will help you decide who will best meet your needs.
* Save Energy at Home – Don’t leave appliances on standby they can use up to 80% of the electricity as being on. Try to switch them off at the plug when not in use. Use energy saving light bulbs they use a fraction of the power. When replacing white goods go for the best energy rated one you can afford, it will save you money on your bills.
* Sell Unwanted Items - Everyone has items they no longer want, instead of throwing them away or letting them gather dust, sell or swap them! Local Car Boot sales or online auction sites are popular ways. There are also local newspaper sales sections and places such as gum tree http://www.gumtree.com/sheffield and free cycle http://uk.freecycle.org/ that sell or swap locally for free.
* Try Charity Shops – Charity shops have a wide range of things including clothes, household items, toys and games and books. There is often a bargain to be had!
* Use Vouchers – Many places have discount vouchers or reward schemes. Make sure you shop around for the one that fits in with your usual shopping habits. Check online for cheap day out vouchers or group buying sites. Look in papers for discount vouchers too.
* Use a Library - If you only ever read a book once then check them out at your local library rather than buying them, it saves on clutter too!
* Grow Your Own – It is possible to grow fruit and vegetables in very limited spaces. If you can turn over a section of your garden then you may well be able to grow enough for your families summer needs. Things can also be easily grown in tubs, hanging baskets and window boxes. They are fresh, chemical free and very cheap to do.
* Cook Your Own Meals and Cakes – Supermarket ready meals are often expensive and not very nutritionally balanced. If you cook your own meals from scratch but in bulk you can then freeze individual portions to use as your own ‘ready meal’. Cakes and biscuits are easy to make and cost a fraction of bought ones; children and grandchildren love to help too!