A good friend of mine Will is looking for a someone to joing his team. Could this be for you?
Community Manager Job Description
We seek a highly motivated individual with experience and fanatical-passion for blogging, micro-blogging and community participation leadership. Is building social community so ingrained you just can’t stop? Do you take pride in customer service excellence and fancy yourself as an entrepreneur?
We are a youth engagement company with a Crowd Community website launch in January. You’ll work directly with co-founder Emily Cummins, Barclays Woman of the Year, and be based in either our London or Leeds offices. This position is full time salaried with benefits, including attending mainstream and niche’ conferences. The successful candidate will hold an integral role, be a key marketeer and will contribute to corporate objectives.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Take a strategic, metric based approach to achieving positive ROI.
Use data-base segmentation within your targeted strategy to grow user numbers
Interact with our customers to align unselfish service of their needs, with our corporate objectives
Be the eyes and ears of our brand as if your own reputation depended on it
Build and maintain our network by way of social media channels
Minute by minute participation in conversations that surround our content and brand, answer comments, be a mediator.
Identify threats and opportunities in user generated content surrounding our brand, report to appropriate parties.
Crisis management, extinguishing the flames of uproar
Interact with client and corporate agencies.
Create content for feeds and snippets in various social media sites.
Participate, as yourself and white hat avatars, on our behalf
Optimise tags, on our feeds, sharing sites like YouTube/Flickr and search engines through copywriting, creative & keyword optimisation.
Tag and title content, with an understanding of how the word’s chosen impact natural search traffic and rankings
Manage and track link building campaigns
Create and update daily, weekly and monthly reports
Our ideal candidate will be able to tick many of the below;
Has a degree in music, advertising, marketing, graphics, web development, communications, English, IT, theatre or anthropology.
Excel at research, possesses excellent writing skills and the ability to crank editorial and technical writing output without brooding.
Has work experience in advertising, PR, online marketing or similar
Dedicated to blogging and use of Facebook
Demonstrated creativity and documented immersion in social media
Demonstrated some ability to map out a marketing strategy and then drive that strategy proven by testing and metrics
Ability to jump from the creative side to analytical side
Understand organic optimization (SEO), social media optimization (SMO) and paid placement (PPC).
Understand libel, defamation and copyright infringement.
Discretion to identify threats and opportunities in user generated content
Understands social media universe including YouTube, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Flickr, Twitter, Wikis, blogs, etc…We’re looking for a social media addict who maintains a personal mix of participatory expertise from among these channels.
Knowledge of name and tagging posts
Has excellent verbal and written communication skills and an ability to work individually on a project or in a team environment
Is eager to meet and exceed objectives and take on more responsibility
Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines
Ability to communicate results to management and in a fast paced environment
Leeds Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds LS11 5QP
London 16 Old Town, Clapham, London SW4 0JY
Surrey Lawster House, 140 South Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 2EU
08444 774 100
Keep Smiling,
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Friday, 5 November 2010
Inspirational Magazine

i was asked to write an article for Inspirational Magazine,
you can see it on pages 36-37 http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1oavn/InspirationalMagazin/resources/index.htm?referrerUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yudu.com%2Fitem%2Fdetails%2F185185%2FInspirational-Magazine-revised-version
and for those that cant see the link, here is the text:
You never hear a man being asked what it’s like ‘being a man in business’ and yet in interviews people always ask me what it’s like being a woman in business or engineering. I don’t mind them asking but often it’s asked as if it was a hindrance, as if because of this reason I must find everyday a struggle.
At the age of sixteen when I first started my business I found that odd. For me living with my mother, who is a true representation of all things inspiring, meant that I never experienced any sort of gender inequality. Growing up in a world where my mother could keep down a job, clean the house, cook the tea, study for a master (and then a doctorate), run us around to our various hobbies and still have time to be a pillar of the community meant that by the age of sixteen I was in no doubt that it was a woman’s world.
This all meant that when, while doing my GCSE resistant materials, I got entered into the Young Engineer For Britain competition and then won I was thrown into a world of gender stereotyping. My first experience of being treated differently came the morning after I won the award. With no sleep and a lot of adrenaline I was doing a morning of interviews (which to a sixteen year old was bizarre to say the least). My first interview was with radio5live ‘the money programme’ and as I entered the studio and realised I was not only a) the only woman, but b) the youngest by at least two decades, I should have been prepared for a little bit of gender bashing. This however did not even cross my mind, I was on a real buzz after winning the award. The question that shocked me was one of the first of my three minute interview, that went along the lines of ‘so Ruth, why engineering? You look like so many others that want to media studies’. Well! I was shocked by such blatant bit of stereotyping and after what seemed like five minutes (although when you listen back it is only a couple of seconds) I fought my corner for women in whatever field they wanted to succeed in.
After my first encounter with these opinions I encountered many more from, being too young for business banking to comments about dressing too much like a woman. However, as the years went on I learnt to embrace, as my mother had, the joys of being a women in what was perceived by outsiders and the media as a man’s world. I found I had a lot more media attention, I relished in the comment ‘you don’t look like an engineer..’ or ‘ you run your own business, at YOUR age..’
I found that in my own little way I was breaking down barriers. I make a conscious decision not to change the way I dressed to fall into step behind the men and to enjoy the fact that I was a women doing what I enjoyed. Being a women in whatever field you choose to work in does not change that fundamentally that you are a women, I find that companies run by women are often run in slightly different ways to male led organisation, and I like that, it does not mean that they are any less successful. Oh and just because I think women should embrace being women does not mean that I think we should trample and stamp out all the men, I just like it when there is a balance.
Although I am sure there will come a day when men are asked ‘How do you find it being a man in business?’.
Hope your all having a good day,
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
I am a very bad blogger...
I really need to blog more... whoops
So all has been busy in the StairSteady Office:
-We have a new leaflet and logo by printing.com, read all about it
and look how pretty it looked when we did some filming for the Manufacturing Diploma

- We have taken on another Rachael, this time on a more permanent basis, blog intro to come.
-Up to Christmas we are running a scheme that any new orders that we receive we will create a Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child on behalf of the customer.
-We had a very product logistics meeting (I love my flo diagrams).

-Next week we have a meeting with Handicare (formally Minivator) who do our fittings for us.
-Revenue and Customs are doing some filming....more to come I promise.
Here the link to the other videos
-I may have an announcement to make this week or next... so follow me on twitter to be the first to hear @RuthAmos
Short post I know but my aim is to blog more, it’s good for the soul.
business link,
revenue and customs,
Ruth Amos,
stair aid,
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